Thursday, November 29, 2012

better half's time-out!

This is the first time in years since coming here in America that I allowed Dennis, my hubby, to take a break, mmm, it’s actually more of a time-out! Lol!

He holds H4 visa, what it simply means is that he can’t work, since he is my dependent.  

It was a relief for me when he gave up his job as a seaman 4 years ago, because that was my dream – for our family to be together. 

Good thing too, because that time our youngest was only 2 years old. Mimoi went to school at 4 years old because of the transition (we needed to move from one state to another).   

I love that he is just at home, doing all house work, with no vices and just focused on us, his family.

Though Dennis made productive use of his time by creating projects for the house, sometimes, there's really nothing to do, so he’d watch movies and tele-novelas all day!
Lately, he opted to attend the early Mass, just so he’d be spared from our hustle and bustle of morning preparation to school, Lol!, I'm sure he's got other reasons! Maybe praying for me! Lol!
But, truly, one needs a break to revive, gather and renew oneself. 

It also troubles me to see that I, in a big way, am accountable to his experiences. It would have been best if he is also progressing and making use of his time, energy, talent and skills to his greater good. But, the current situation is hindering him from doing that.
It’s been 4 days without him in the house, it felt empty. :(

But, kids have grown, Mimoi is 6, Mymy is 10, we all have our own agendas during our free times and with the too many activities lined up for the next week, I guess, we are doing pretty well.
As for Dennis, he’s enjoying his time in California, with his cousin’s family.

A good break, a great time-out!- without us bickering, hollering and pestering him! Lol!
Laundry will be plenty in 3 weeks, he should brace himself! Joke!
All’s good!


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